Repetytorium Macmillan Kultura -Art and Culture

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acting aktorstwo
start learning
gra aktorska
actor aktor
start learning
actor actor
actress   aktorka
start learning
actress actress
author  autor
start learning
author author
band / group zespół/grupa
start learning
band / group band / group
brush pędzel
start learning
brush brush
cast obsada
start learning
cast cast
cinema  kino
start learning
cinema cinema
classical klasyczny
start learning
classical classic
concert  koncert
start learning
concert concert
dancer  tancerz
start learning
dancer dancer
design  projektować
start learning
director reżyser
start learning
director director
draw  rysować
start learning
draw draw
drawing rysunek
start learning
drawing drawing
(fashion) designer projektant (mody)
start learning
(fashion) designer designer (fashion)
illustrations ilustracje
start learning
illustrations illustrations
instrument instrument
start learning
instrument instrument
lead actor główny (pierwszoplanowy) aktor
start learning
lead actor the main (foregrounding) actor
main character główny bohater
start learning
main character main character
musician muzyk
start learning
musician musician
novel powieść
start learning
novel novel
orchestra orkiestra
start learning
orchestra orchestra
paint malować
start learning
paint paint
painter malarz
start learning
painter painter
painting obraz
start learning
painting a picture
perform występować
start learning
perform perform
photography fotografia
start learning
photography photography
plot fabuła
start learning
plot plot
poem wiersz
start learning
poem poem
poet poeta
start learning
poet poet
pop pop (rodzaj muzyki)
start learning
pop pop (type of music)
portrait portret
start learning
portrait portrait
put on wystawiać (sztukę
start learning
science fiction science fiction
start learning
science fiction science fiction
short story opowiadanie
start learning
short story short story
sing śpiewać
start learning
sing sing
sketch szkic
start learning
sketch sketch
song piosenka
start learning
song song
soundtrack ścieżka dźwiękowa
start learning
soundtrack soundtrack
stage scena (np. w teatrze)
start learning
stage scene (e.g. in the theater)
tune melodia
start learning
tune melody
write pisać
start learning
write write
writer pisarz
start learning
writer writer

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