Phrasal verbs

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regresa el libro a la estantería
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Put the book back on the shelf
eso podría devolverle su confianza
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That could give her back her confidence
le saludé y ella me sonrío
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I waved her and she smiled back
respóndeme tan pronto como pueda
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Write me back as soon as you can
si no te gusta la corbata puedes devolverla
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If you don't like the tie you can take it back
empezó a llover así que decidimos volver
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it started to rain so we decided to get/go back
debemos deshacernos del cuerpo
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we need to get rid of the body
ayúdame a desvestirlo
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help me get him undressed
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Turns out
Lio, enredo, berenjenal
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tenéis un plan para liberarlos
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you have a plan to break them out
Escapar, fugarse
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break out
creo que deberíamos irnos de aquí
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I think we should get out of here
no me capturaran
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i won't get caught
atar, amarrar
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tie up
iluminar, encender
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light up
cuesta arriba
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mantente alejado
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stay off
bajar las armas
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put down your weapons
puedo llevarte allí
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i can take you there
aguantar, resistir
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hold out
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slow down
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watch out
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Look up
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Write it down
a quién le doy esto?
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who do i give this to?
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To get use to +ing
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To look forward to +ing
No la menciones otra vez
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Please don't bring her up again
Fui criado para ser honesto
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I was brought up to be honest
Cometi un error (la lie)
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I messed up
Romper una relacion y reconciliarse
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Break up a relationship and make up
Inventarse algo
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Make up
He tomado la decision de aprender ingles
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I've made up my mind to learn english
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Throw up
Deje la beber alcohol
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I gave up beer (to quit)
El ladron se rindió cuando vio la policia
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The thief gave up when he saw the police
Tu cabello se levanta
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Does your hair stick up?
Ella me dejó plantado
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She stood me up last night
Alguien te defendio ayer?
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Did anyone stick up for you yesterday?
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to stick up for
Se te acercan los animales?
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Do animals come/go up to you?
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Aproach, come up, go up
Adivina quien apareció?
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Guess who showed up?
Alguien aparece, algo aparece
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Someone show up, something turn up
Alguna vez apareció tu movil perdido?
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Did your lost phone ever turn up?
Gastaste todo tu dinero apostando?
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Did you use up your money gambling?
Ella se relajó antes de hacer ejercicio
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She loosened up before exercising
el coche dio march atras
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The car backed up
Apoyas a tus amigos?
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Do you back your friends up?
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Sign up
cuales son las cosas que no puedes soportar?
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What are the things that you can't put up with?
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Put up with
La gente estaba en fila en la puerta
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People were lined up out the door
Hasta que hora te quedas despierto?
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How late do you stay up?
Quedarse despierto
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Stay up
Dio marcha atras sin problemas
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He backed up without any problem
Me pondré al dia con mi trabajo
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I will catch up with my work
Cuantos opositores se inscribieron?
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How many opponents did sign up?
El trata de alcanzarlo
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He tries to catch up
El viento sopla
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The wind blows
El coche explotó
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The car blew up
Absorber el agua
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Soak the water up
El friega el suelo
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He mops the floor
El limpia el mostrador
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he wipes the counter
La fábrica trato de encubrir los humos
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The factory tried to cover up the fumes
Ellos se había mostrado de repente
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They had suddenly showed up
Estar harto/cansado
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To be fed up
Dejame explicartelo
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Let me break it down for you
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Rip off
El estafador me intento tender una trampa
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The swindler tried to set me up
Montaje, configuracion
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Set up
Que necesito para configurar una red inalambrica
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What do i need to set up a wireless network?
El edificio se esta incendiando
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The building is burning down
Los ladrones estan intentando escapar de la policia
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The robbers are trying to get away from the police
No estar aqui
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To be away
A veces quieres estar fuera de aqui
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Do you sometimes want to be away from here?
Dejar un lugar, escapar
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Get away
El dio todas sus posesiones
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He gave away all of his possessions
No te acerques a mi hija
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Stay away from my daughter
Guarda tus juguetes
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Put your toys away
Quiero sacarte de aqui
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I want to take you away from here
Por que te llevaste mi libertad
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Why did you take away my freedom?
Vete con tu orgullo antes de que digas algo que dañe tu reputacion
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Walk away with your pride before you say anything to damage your reputation
El huyó de la escena del crimen con coche
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He drove away from the scene of the crime
La tormenta hizo volar el tejado
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The storm blew the roof away
cuándo fue la última vez que te sorprendieron
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When was the last time that you were blown away
Esta fuera de negocios
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She is away on business

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