phrasal verbs

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podkreslac cos (np ta bluzka podkresla...)
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bring sth out
poradzic sobie z czyms
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carry sth off
wyjsc, pojawic sie
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come out
zapinac cos
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do sth up
wystroic sie
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dress up
pasowac do czegos
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go with sth
nadazac (za najnowszysmi trendami)
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keep up with (the latest trends)
nawiazac (rozmowe)
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strike up (a conversation)
skrocic cos
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take sth up
sprawiac wrazenie
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come across with
sprawiac wrazenie
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come across as
ograniczac (ilość czegoś)
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cut down on sth
stawiac czola
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face up to sth
byc w dobrych stosunkach (z kims)
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get on with sb
przedstawic swoje pomysly
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get one’s ideas across
zasmucic kogos
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get sb down
lubic/ uprawiac (judo)
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go in for (judo)
przestac lubic (cos)
start learning
go off
patrzec na kogos z gory
start learning
look down on sb
z niecierpliwoscia czegos oczekiwac
start learning
look forward to sth
sprawdzac cos
start learning
look sth up
nie czuc sie na silach aby cos zrobic
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not feel up to doing sth
znecac sie nad kims
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pick on sb
przybierac na wadze
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put on weight
znosic, tolerowac kogos/cos
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put up with sb/ sth
oznaczac (o skrocie)
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stand for
miec nowe hobby/ zacząć uprawiać sport
start learning
take up a hobby / a sport
zbesztac kogos
start learning
tell sb off
odrzucic (rade)
start learning
turn down (advice)

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