Phrasal Verbs

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turn out
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1) okazuje się 2) przybyć (come out)
take back
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cofnąć, odwołać
put up with
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1) znosić (tolerate) 2) zatrzymać się u kogoś
come across
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1) natrafić na coś, wpaść na kogoś 2) jawić się jako
pull out
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1) odjechać 2) wycofać się (withdraw)
bring out
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1) wprowadzić na rynek 2) uwydatniać
break into
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1) włamać się 2) wejść na rynek
come out
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ukazywać się/wychodzić
blow out
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fill up
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drive off
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cheer up
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rozweselać się, pocieszać kogoś
come over
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przyjść do kogoś
go over to someone
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zaprosić kogoś
do up
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zapiąć Do up your zipper?
see off
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odprowadzać, żegnać się
bump into
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wpaść na kogoś
look for a new home
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poszukaj nowego domu
I couldn’t get through
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Nie mogłem przez to przebrnąć
I just can't make him out at all
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Po prostu nie mogę go w ogóle zrozumieć
bring sth back
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przywrócić coś
ask sb out
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zaprosic kogos, umówić się
I’ll ring you back later
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oddzwonię póżniej
drop the package off
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zostawić paczkę
he haven’t turn up yet
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on jeszcze się nie pojawił
take down the title
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napisać tytuł
sort out eg. the problem
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rozwiązać np. problem
put the meeting off
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przełożyć spotkamie
call the reservation off
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odwolac rezerwacje
Don’t bring up last night
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Nie wspominaj wczorajszego wieczoru
mess about
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couse inconvenience
deal with
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sort out
break down
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stop working
come across
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ask around
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invite home
turn up
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sent off
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call off
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take down
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put off
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play up
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not work properly
bring up
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take off
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Everyone turned up on time for the meeting
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Please take off your shoes
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I can pick you up at 9 a.m.
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Mogę Cię odebrać o 9tej
I put you up for that promotion
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Zglosilem Cie do awansu
they brush aside my complaints
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I fall for his story about
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I couldn’t make out what he was saying with all the noise
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Could you pursue Chris’s report?
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ścignąć, chase up
leave out the first zero in the city code
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go down
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call off
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get away
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could you see to lunch for our visitors?
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put on
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put on in English
get out
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pick up
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throw away the rubbish
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wyrzucaj śmieci
fall over
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wywracać się/przewracać się
lie down
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leżeć / położyć się
put out the fire
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zgasić ogień
run out of petrol
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zabrakło benzyny
look forward
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nie móc się doczekać
cope with stress
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radzić sobie ze stresem
turn up late
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pojawić się późno (arrive, show up)
be fed up with sth
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mieć czegoś dość
pull their weight
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przykładać się do pracy
tap into
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wykorzystać, dopasować się do
deal with
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poradzić sobie z czymś
buddy up with sb
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zakolegować się
worn out
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hand over to
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przekazać (give)

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