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bon appetit
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It's particularly difficult.
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Jest to szczególnie trudne.
extra hours
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godziny nadliczbowe
I work overtime.
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Pracuję w nadgodzinach.
the exhaustion level
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poziom wyczerpania
a devoted worker
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oddany pracownik
a bonus scheme
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system premiowy
to lay down regulations
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ustanawiać przepisy
an advance
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a bar of soap / a bar of chocolate
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kostka mydła / tabliczka czekolady
on the one hand... on the other hand
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z jednej strony ... natomiast...
to make up, to invent
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to make out an opinion / a document
to issue a document
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wydać opinię / dokument
wystawić dokument
it undergoes interpretation
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podlega interpretacji
an orphanage / an orphan
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sierociniec / sierota
It looks like it does.
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Wygląda jak wygląda.
a hangover
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to recover
It takes me longer time to recover.
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Potrzeba mi więcej czasu, aby wyzdrowieć.

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