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przerażony czymś
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frightened of
Are you frightened of heights?
dobry z
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good at
I’m really good at maths but I’m useless at history.
dobry dla
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good for
Doing some exercise every day is good for you.
zainteresowany czymś
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interested in
I’m really interested in history.
chętny do
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keen on p
I’m keen on football so I watch it most weekends.
życzliwy dla
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kind to
Please be kind to your little brother.
śmiać się z
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laugh at
Don’t laugh at me when I’m talking.
oczekiwać na
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look forward to
I look forward to seeing you next week.
w związku małżeńskim z
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married to
prep How long have you been married to your wife?
płacić za
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pay for
How much did you pay for that car?
cieszyć się z
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pleased about
Are you pleased about the new tax system?
dumny z
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proud of
I’m proud of my nephew as he’s now a doctor.
przypomnieć mi
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remind me to
Can you remind me to call your grandma tomorrow?
niegrzeczny wobec
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rude to
Don’t be rude to your father!
przestraszony czymś
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scared of
I’m scared of the dark.
wydać pieniądze na
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spend money on
I like to spend money on good quality food.
być czymś zmęczonym
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tired of
I’m tired of working – I need to have a rest.
martwić się o
start learning
worried about
I’m worried about Jody – she seems really depressed.

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