Miscellaneous Words and Phrases - Part 7

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to bloom, to blossom
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kwitnąć, kwitnąć
spring cleaning
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wiosenne porządki
scavenger hunt
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polowanie na padlinożercę
cleanliness is next to godliness
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Czystość stoi zaraz obok boskości
to learn from one’s mistakes
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uczyć się na własnych błędach
has an impact on
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ma wpływ na
book smart
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street smart
Tyson is street smart and he will show you the ropes.
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Tyson jest obyty i pokaże ci, jak to działa.
white collar worker
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pracownik biurowy
blue collar worker
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pracownik fizyczny
to graduate
She graduated from Cambridge University in 2006.
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ukończyć szkołę
Ukończyła studia na Uniwersytecie Cambridge w 2006 r.
a homemaker
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gospodyni domowa
You cannot enter here with a backpack.
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Nie można tu wchodzić z plecakami.
untouched nature
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nietknięta natura
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dehydrated skin
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odwodniona skóra
second degree burn
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oparzenie drugiego stopnia
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oparzenie słoneczne
to faint
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Strong headaches can be a symptom of many different illnesses.
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Silne bóle głowy mogą być objawem wielu różnych chorób.
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udar cieplny
to feel dizzy
I can't go alone, I feel dizzy.
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czuć zawroty głowy
Nie dam rady iść samemu, kreci mi się w głowie.
to remodel the flat
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przebudować mieszkanie
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3 out of 4
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3 z 4
desk organizer/desk tidy
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organizer na biurko / schowek na biurko
wet wipes
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chusteczki nawilżane
disinfecting wipes
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chusteczki dezynfekujące
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to break an ankle
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złamać kostkę
to twist an ankle
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skręcić kostkę
to sprain an ankle
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skręcenie kostki
to wear blinders
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to purposely limit your view
to see the world with rose-colored glasses
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zobaczyć świat w różowych okularach
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z mocą wsteczną
to be hard on yourself
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punish yourself
more often than not
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częściej niż nie
a small rudder steers the ship
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mały ster steruje statkiem
retirement home / nursing home
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dom spokojnej starości / dom opieki
to fight a losing battle
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struggle even though you know you will lose
to win somebody over
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to get on someone's good side
a recipe for disaster
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przepis na katastrofę
to throw in the towel/to give up
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rzucić ręcznik / poddać się
MAD - mutually assured destruction
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MAD - wzajemnie gwarantowane zniszczenie
to recharge your batteries
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aby naładować baterie
chores to do
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obowiązki do wykonania
audience members
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członkowie widowni
That was an unpleasant encounter.
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To było nieprzyjemne spotkanie.
to knock someone
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to criticize someone
training wheels
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koła treningowe
to chastise
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something is steep
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to spiral out of control
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one bad thing leads to another
from scratch, from the beginning
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od zera, od samego początku

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