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(w pobliżu) ruchliwej drogi
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(near a) busy road
nad jeziorem
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by the lake
nad morzem
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by the sea
miasteczko uniwersyteckie
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centrum stolicy
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capital centre
centrum miasta
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city center
osiedle komunalne
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council estate
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osiedle strzeżone/zamknięte
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gated community
dzielnica mieszkaniowa
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housing estate
w mieście
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in a city
w miasteczku
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in a town
w sercu miasta
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in the heart of the city
na przedmieściach
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in the suburbs
dzielnica wielokulturowa
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multicultural district
na obrzeżach
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on the outskirts
(wieżowiec) górujący (nad miastem)
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(skyscraper) towering(over city)
Centrum miasteczka
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town center

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