Lesson Rafał 19.09.20

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Question Answer
On ma motykę
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He has got a pickaxe.
On ma supermoc
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He has got superpower
Skrzat ma łuk
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The dwarf has got a bow
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On ma siekierę/topór.
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He has got an axe.
Skrzat ma strzały.
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The dwarf has got arrows.
Troll ma kask.
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Troll has got a helmet.
On jest piękny
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He is beautiful.
On jest brzydki.
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He is ugly.
On jest silny.
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He is strong.
Ona jest przerażająca.
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She is scary.
Ona nosi koszulkę.
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She is wearing a t-shirt.
On nosi spodnie i kurtkę.
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He is wearing trousers and a jacket.
On ma wąsy i brodę.
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He has got a moustache and beard.
On ma długie wąsy.
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He has got long moustache.

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