Kultivi # 88

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What do you like to do on sundays?
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O que você gosta de fazer aos domingos?
I like to walk in the park on sundays.
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Eu gosto de passear no parque aos domingos.
I like to go to the movies with my family.
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Eu gosto de ir ao cinema com minha família.
On sundays, I just stay home and rest a little.
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Aos domingos, fico em casa e descanso um pouco.
Sacred day to the goddess of the moon.
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Dia sagrado para a deusa da lua.
Do they start work on monday?
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Eles começam a trabalhar na segunda-feira?
Monday is my favorite day of the week.
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Segunda-feira é o meu dia favorito da semana.
Most people hate mondays, they are lazy.
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A maioria das pessoas odeia segundas-feiras, são preguiçosas.
This day was named after the norse god TYR.
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Este dia recebeu o nome do deus nórdico TYR.
TYR is the norse god of war.
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TYR é o deus nórdico da guerra.
He had his hand bitten off by a wolf.
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Ele teve a mão arrancada por um lobo.
He carries a spear as a simble of justice.
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Ele carrega uma lança como um exemplo de justiça.
The course starts on tuesday.
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O curso começa na terça-feira.
Call me on tuesday and we appoint the meeting.
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Ligue para mim na terça-feira e marcamos a reunião.
The worst day to go downtown is tuesday.
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O pior dia para ir ao centro é terça-feira.
In honor to wodan (ODIN).
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Em homenagem a wodan (ODIN).
Odin is the son of Bor and Bestla.
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Odin é o filho de Bor e Bestla.
He is the chief divinity of the norse mythology.
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Ele é a principal divindade da mitologia nórdica.
He is always in company of two wolves.
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Ele está sempre na companhia de dois lobos.
On wednesday we are planing to move in.
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Na quarta-feira, planejamos nos mudar.
Wednesday was the turning point for me.
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Quarta-feira foi o ponto de virada para mim.
Many things will take place this wednesday.
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Muitas coisas acontecerão nesta quarta-feira.
The day was named after the norse god Thor.
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O dia recebeu o nome do deus nórdico Thor.
In the norse languages this day is called TORSDAG.
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Nos idiomas nórdicos, hoje em dia, é chamado TORSDAG.
Thor is the norse god of thunder.
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Thor é o deus nórdico do trovão.
Thor is married to Siff, goddess of fertility.
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Thor é casado com Siff, deusa da fertilidade.
He is one of the most powerful gods.
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Ele é um dos deuses mais poderosos.
On thursday morning we are going to clean the house.
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Na quinta-feira de manhã, vamos limpar a casa.
Why do you always go there on thursdays?
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Por que você sempre vai lá às quintas-feiras?
Because my girlfriend lives there.
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Porque minha namorada mora lá.
In honor of the norse goddes Frigg.
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Em homenagem aos deuses nórdicos Frigg.
Frigg is associated with wisdom in mythology.
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Frigg está associado à sabedoria na mitologia.
Frigg was the wife of Odin and mother of three children.
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Frigg era esposa de Odin e mãe de três filhos.
She is the petron of marriage and motherhood.
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Ela é o petron do casamento e da maternidade.
T.G.I.F. Let’s party all night long.
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TGIF Vamos festejar a noite toda.
Friday is the international beer day.
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Sexta-feira é o dia internacional da cerveja.
On fridays after work we go have some fun.
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Nas sextas-feiras depois do trabalho, vamos nos divertir.
Saturn is the roman god of agriculture.
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Saturno é o deus romano da agricultura.
He was the one to sow the seeds.
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Ele foi quem plantou as sementes.
His wife was the goddess Ops.
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Sua esposa era a deusa Ops.
Time to party! It’s saturday.
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Hora de festejar! E sabado.
Enjoy the night on saturday, and the hangover on sunday.
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Aproveite a noite no sábado e a ressaca no domingo.
On saturday things tend to get wild.
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No sábado, as coisas tendem a ficar selvagens.

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