Hygiene and Care - Higiene y Cuidado

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la brillantina
nail trimmer
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el cortaúñas
hair dye
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el tinte para el pelo / el tinte para el cabello / el tinte capilar
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el maquillaje de fondo
correction fluid
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el líquido corrector
face cream
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la crema facial
moisturizing cream
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la crema hidratante
nourishing cream
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la crema nutritiva
anti-wrinkle cream
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la crema antiarrugas
hair curler
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el rizador de pelo
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la maquinita de afeitar / la máquina para rasurar [Méx]
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la navaja de afeitar / la navaja de rasurar [Méx]
cleansing milk
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la leche desmaquilladora
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la leche desmaquillante
shaving brush
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la brocha de afeitar
e.g. for eyeshadows
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el pincel
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las pinzas
nail file
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la lima de uñas
make up remover / make up remover lotion
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la loción desmaquilladora
hair perm liquid
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el líquido para la permanente
sanitary pads
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las compresas
sanitary towels
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las toallitas higiénicas
sanitary napkin
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las toallitas higiénicas
pumice (stone)
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la piedra pómez
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el colorete
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el colorete
shampoo for dyed hair
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el champú para cabello teñido
anti-dandruff shampoo
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el champú anticaspa
brightening shampoo
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el champú para aclarar el pelo / el champú aclarante
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el cepillo de dientes
dressing table
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el tocador
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la máscara de pestañas / el rímel
depilatory wax
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la cera depilatoria
nail polish remover
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el quitaesmalte
to soak (one's) feet
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remojarse los pies (en el agua)
to apply (face) cream
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ponerse crema / aplicarse crema
to get (one's) nails done / to have (one's) nails done
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hacerse la manicura
to get (one's) toe nails done / to have (one's) toe nails done
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hacerse la pedicura
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el cesto de ropa sucia

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