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to contain fire
The battle to contain wildfires across Greece continued for a seventh straight day
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amid scenes
firefighters struggled to extinguish flames amid scenes of pandemonium
przy pomocy
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with the aid
With the aid of water-dropping planes, authorities worked around the clock to tame numerous fires.
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to worked around the clock
With the aid of water-dropping planes, authorities worked around the clock to tame numerous fires.
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to douse blazes
efforts were being concentrated on dousing blazes raging on the islands of Evia and Corfu
przyspieszyć ewakuację
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to step up evacuation
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Holidaymakers recounted panic-stricken moments of being transported at the weekend in the middle of the night in army trucks to beaches before being placed on Greek navy ships.
z rtęcią sięgającą 45 st
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with the mercury reaching 45 c
Greece experienced the hottest temperatures in 50 years at the weekend, with the mercury reaching 45C in the central region of Thessaly.
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to enact
In the face of strong and erratic winds fanning flames, civil protection officials in Athens said they had been left with little choice other than to enact what they called a “precautionary” operation to move tourists out of harm’s way on Rhodes.
ocenić skalę katastrofy
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to assess the scale of the disaster
Government experts are scheduled to fly into Rhodes and other fire-hit regions in the coming days to assess the scale of the disaster – expected to be hugely costly – so that the process of compensatory payments can begin.
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to salvage sth
But for now the emphasis has been on salvaging the image of Greece as a tourist destination in the face of such disaster.
okres dojrzewania
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związać koniec z końcem
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to make ends meet
podnieść czynsz
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hik up rent
przelotny sen
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fleeting sleep
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With that crisis, an entire liberal ambition becomes thwarted.
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Firefighters struggled to extinguish flames destroying forests and citrus and hazelnut groves.
uduszenie się
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The official TAP news agency reported one death, that of a school principal who died of asphyxiation from a fire in Nafza
wykorzenione drzewa
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uprooted trees
Milan residents reported torrential rain and hail on Tuesday morning, which flooded streets and uprooted trees, some of which fell on to parked cars.
środek ostrożności
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In Turkey, a hospital and a dozen homes were evacuated as a precaution in the coastal town of Kemer, where firefighters for a third day battled a blaze raging through a woodland.
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catch fire
One killed as ship carrying 3,000 cars catches fire off Dutch coast
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to extinguish the fire
We are now trying to extinguish the fire in cooperation with the local authorities of [the] Netherlands

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