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Question Answer
w ogole
start learning
at all
w końcu
start learning
at last
start learning
at least
przez przypadek
start learning
by accident
przypadkiem, trafem
start learning
by chance
na pamiec
start learning
by heart
przez pomyłke
start learning
by mistake
a propo
start learning
by the way
w dobrym nastroju
start learning
in a good mood
odpowiedzialny za
start learning
in charge of
start learning
in common
start learning
in fact
ogólnie mówiac
start learning
in general
start learning
in love
moim zdaniem
start learning
in my opinion
w toku
start learning
in progress
w zamian
start learning
in return
start learning
in the end
na przedmieściach
start learning
in the suburbs
w kontakcie
start learning
in touch
po przybyciu
start learning
on arrival
start learning
on purpose
na wybrzezu
start learning
on the coast
po prawej
start learning
on the right
poza zasiegiem
start learning
out of reach
start learning
according to
z powodu
start learning
because of
moim zdaniem
start learning
to my mind
start learning
under arrest
odlot z czegoś
start learning
departure from
start learning
excuse for

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