Fausta 25th Feb (30 min)

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moja pierwsza wiadomość
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my first text message
Mój tata ogląda teraz telewizję.
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My dad is watching a tv now.
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to build
They are building a house now.
podmiot (wykonawca czynności)
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a subject (I, you, she, he, it, we, they, Tom)
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Your answer was incorrect.
Czy ona codziennie gotuje?
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Does she cook every day?
Mój tata nie jeździ na rowerze codziennie na rowerze.
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My dad doesn't cycle / ride a bike every day.
prowadzić samochód
to drive - drove - driven
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to DRIVE a car
Can you drive a car?
jeździć na rowerze / hulajnodze / koniu
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to RIDE a bike / a scooter / a horse
to ride - rode - ridden
Wczoraj jeździłem na rowerze.
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Yesterday I rode a bike.
Mój tata jechał samochodem do pracy w piątek.
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My dad drove his car to work on Friday.
Czy umiesz jeździć na rowerze?
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Can you ride a bike?

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