ESP phrases (250-500)

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Question Answer
Which apples?
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¿Cuáles manzanas?
Who is she?
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¿Quién es ella?
Which books?
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¿Cuáles libros?
Do you speak Spanish?
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¿Hablas español?
What is the question?
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¿Cuál es la pregunta?
How many elephants eat rice?
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¿Cuántos elefantes comen arroz?
He reads the question.
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Él lee la pregunta.
Which sauce?
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¿Cuál salsa?
Which is his dog?
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¿Cuál es su perro?
Which is the penguin?
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¿Cuál es el pingüino?
Which horse?
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¿Cuál caballo?
How much money do you need?
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¿Cuánto dinero necesitas?
Who are you?
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¿Quién eres?
How much bread does the boy eat?
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¿Cuánto pan come el niño?
He cooks a potato.
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Él cocina una papa.
He speaks English.
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Él habla inglés.
The elephants want water.
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Los elefantes quieren agua.
You cook a potato.
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Tú cocinas una papa.
We do not want sandwiches.
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No queremos emparedados.
Laura does not want salt.
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Laura no quiere sal.
We (F) read the newspaper.
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Nosotras leemos el diario.
The bull drinks water.
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El toro bebe agua.
I write letters.
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Yo escribo cartas.
They (F) drink milk.
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Ellas beben leche.
I cook the rice.
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Yo cocino el arroz.
Do you speak English?
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¿Tú hablas inglés?
I do not speak English.
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Yo no hablo inglés.
I do not walk.
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Yo no camino.
We do not pay.
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Nosotros no pagamos.
We (F) have skirts.
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Nosotras tenemos faldas.
I do not see the cheese.
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No veo el queso.
We prepare sauce.
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Nosotros hacemos salsa.
The girls hear the birds.
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Las niñas oyen los pájaros.
Do you not go?
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¿No vas?
We do not touch the chicken.
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Nosotros no tocamos el pollo.
Yes, they can.
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Sí, ellos pueden.
The girl hears the mouse.
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La niña oye el ratón.
I do not touch cats.
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Yo no toco gatos.
They cannot.
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Ellos no pueden.
I ask a question.
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Yo hago una pregunta.
The man listen.
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El hombre oye.
They do not listen?
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¿Ellos no oyen?
She goes.
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Ella va.
I ask a question.
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Yo hago una pregunta.
They have milk.
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Ellos tienen leche.
I have sugar.
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Yo tengo azúcar.
I do not sleep.
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Yo no duermo.
The boys/children listen.
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Los niños oyen.
We have rice.
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Nosotros tenemos arroz.
Nothing, mom.
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Nada, mamá.
The cats (F) walk.
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Las gatas caminan.
You have a book.
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Tú tienes un libro.
I have a coat.
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Yo tengo un abrigo.
We (F) have a dog.
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Nosotras tenemos un perro.
The cat walks.
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El gato camina.
No, thank you, I cannot.
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No, gracias, no puedo.
They have money.
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Ellas tienen dinero.
I do not walk.
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Yo no camino.
She has water.
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Ella tiene agua.
We do not sleep.
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Nosotros no dormimos.
She writes and I read.
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Ella escribe y yo leo.
I want a salad.
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Quiero una ensalada.
I want mushrooms in my salad.
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Quiero hongos en mi ensalada.
I want more mushrooms.
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Quiero más hongos.
The horse eats lettuce.
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El caballo come lechuga.
I do not eat carrots.
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Yo no como zanahorias.
Do you need more mushrooms or more carrots?
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¿Necesitas más hongos o más zanahorias?
I do not want lettuce in my salad.
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No quiero lechuga en mi ensalada.
The bread and the wine.
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El pan y el vino.
He eats chicken or fish.
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Él come pollo o pescado.
I want more grapes in my cake.
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Quiero más uvas en mi pastel.
The corn is not theirs.
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El maíz no es suyo.
The white cake is mine.
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El pastel blanco es mío.
When I cook, she eats.
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Cuando yo cocino, ella come.
They eat a banana.
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Ellos comen un banano.
I want more pineapple.
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Quiero más piña.
I want more bananas.
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Quiero más bananos.
Is it a pineapple?
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¿Es una piña?
The grape is purple.
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La uva es púrpura.
When I eat pineapple, I do not eat banana.
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Cuando como piña, no como banano.
The turkey is not ours.
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El pavo no es nuestro.
I eat because you eat.
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Yo como porque tú comes.
I do not want turkey, thanks.
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No quiero pavo, gracias.
I want more tuna.
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Quiero más atún.
I do not eat pasta.
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No como pasta.
I do not talk (speak) while I eat.
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Yo no hablo mientras como.
She drinks wine but does not drink beer.
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Ella bebe vino pero no bebe cerveza.
The ice is mine.
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El hielo es mío.
I do not want more ice, thanks.
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No quiero más hielo, gracias.
Do you need more ice?
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¿Necesitas más hielo?
Do you eat pepper?
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¿Tú comes pimienta?
The oil is yellow.
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El aceite es amarillo.
I want pasta without cheese.
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Quiero pasta sin queso.
Do you need more butter?
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¿Necesitas más mantequilla?
Bread and oil.
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Pan y aceite.
I eat rice with chicken.
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Yo como arroz con pollo.
I do not eat garlic.
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Yo no como ajo.
Oil and salt.
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Aceite y sal.
I want more pepper.
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Quiero más pimienta.
We eat cheese.
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Nosotros comemos queso.
She eats chicken but does not eat fish.
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Ella come pollo pero no come pescado.
I speak while I eat.
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Hablo mientras como.
The grape that I want is red.
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La uva que quiero es roja.
I read a menu while I eat.
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Leo un menú mientras como.
I eat because you eat.
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Yo como porque tú comes.
I want more bananas.
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Quiero más bananos.
I read while I eat.
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Yo leo mientras como.
I eat when I want.
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Yo como cuando quiero.
The horse eats lettuce.
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El caballo come lechuga.
I want pasta without cheese.
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Quiero pasta sin queso.
I do not eat carrots.
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Yo no como zanahorias.
Bread with butter.
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Pan con mantequilla
She eats a sandwich without chicken.
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Ella come un emparedado sin pollo.
When I cook, she eats.
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Cuando yo cocino, ella come.
Are you going to lunch?
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¿Vas al almuerzo?
My daughter reads the newspaper.
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Mi hija lee el diario.
Father and son.
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Padre e hijo.
My father loves my mother.
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Mi padre quiere a mi madre.
Who are you parents?
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¿Quiénes son tus padres?
Our children have a cat.
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Nuestros hijos tienen un gato.
I have sons and daugthers.
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Tengo hijos e hijas.
I am from Canada.
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Yo soy de Canadá.
She is from India.
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Ella es de la India.
I am from Texas.
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Soy de Texas.
I see a man and a woman.
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Yo veo a un hombre y a una mujer.
The man's shirt is red.
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La camisa del hombre es roja.
You are my uncle.
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Tú eres mi tío.
She is my aunt.
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Ella es mi tía.
The dog walks over the cat.
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El perro camina sobre el gato.
The book is about a horse.
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El libro es acerca de un caballo.
I have no brothers.
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Yo no tengo hermanos.
She and my mother are sisters.
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Ella y mi madre son hermanas.
My husband eats a tomato.
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Mi esposo come un tomate.
I am his wife.
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Yo soy su esposa.
You (formal pl) are our wives.
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Ustedes son nuestras esposas.
My sister has a dog.
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Mi hermana tiene un perro.
He is my brother.
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Él es mi hermano.
The blue hat is for my grandmother.
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El sombrero azul es para mi abuela.
Why do you not eat fruit?
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¿Por que no comes fruta?
Not during dinner.
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No durante la cena.
The cat sleeps among the dogs.
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El gato duerme entre los perros.
The soup is for Peter.
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La sopa es para Pedro.
The white hat is not for my grandmother.
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El sombrero blanco no es para mi abuela.
I have a family.
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Yo tengo una familia.
Thank you for the food.
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Gracias por la comida.
According to my cousin, the dress is blue and black.
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Según mi primo, el vestido es azul y negro.
I walk towards her.
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Yo camino hacia ella.
Do you have a boyfriend?
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¿Tienes un novio?
He does not have a girlfriend.
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Él no tiene novia.
The monkey walks near the horse.
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El mono camina cerca del caballo.
Girls against boys.
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Niñas contra niños.
She walks towards him.
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Ella camina hacia él.
We (F) are babies.
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Nosotras somos bebés.
She is not my girlfriend.
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Ella no es mi novia.
They are my cousins.
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Son mis primos.
Peter is my cousin.
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Pedro es mi primo.
According to Juan, the girl eats rice.
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Según Juan, la niña come arroz.
According to Miguel, she does not eat tomato.
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Según Miguel, ella no come tomate.
They are babies.
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Ellos son bebés.
I have a girlfriend.
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Yo tengo novia.
Mens against women.
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Hombres contra mujeres.
The cat sleeps near the penguin.
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El gato duerme cerca del pingüino.
He is shorter than his father.
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Él es más bajo que su padre.
The cat walks over my shirt.
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El gato camina sobre mi camisa.
I am your grandfather.
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Soy tu abuelo.
My husband eats chicken.
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Mi marido come pollo.
My size is large.
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Mi tamaño es grande.
I need a big sandwich.
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Necesito un gran emparedado.
The men are short.
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Los hombres son bajos.
I am tall.
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Soy alto.
Do you have small cats?
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¿Tienes gatas pequeñas?
The elephant is enormous.
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El elefante es enorme.
The apples are small.
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Las manzanas son pequeñas.
I am short (F).
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Soy baja.
The orange is huge.
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La naranja es enorme.
Your coat is short.
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Tu abrigo es corto.
My pants are long.
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Mis pantalones son largos.
Yes, I have a small dog.
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Sí, tengo un perro pequeño.
They are tall women.
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Las mujeres son altas.
The elephants are big.
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Los elefantes son grandes.
She has long dresses.
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Ella tiene vestidos largos.
The dress is big.
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El vestido es grande.
The book is small.
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El libro es pequeño.
The shirt is short.
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La camisa es corta.
The horses are big.
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Los caballos son grandes.
I want a big elephant.
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Quiero un gran elefante.
My hat is big.
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Mi sombrero es grande.
Her chair.
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Su silla.
We eat at the table.
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Comemos en la mesa.
Hector sleeps in the bed.
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Héctor duerme en la cama.
Your knives.
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Tus cuchillos.
She has the plates.
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Ella tiene los platos.
My spoons are white.
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Mis cucharas son blancas.
Do we have glasses?
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¿Tenemos vasos?
The chairs are blue.
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Las sillas son azules.
José eats at the table.
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José come en la mesa.
It is your (formal) table.
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Es su mesa.
My brother sleeps in the crib.
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Mi hermano duerme en la cuna.
Do you have a TV?
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¿Tienes una televisión?
The pool does not have water.
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La piscina no tiene agua.
The cups are not small.
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Las tazas no son pequeñas.
My mom cooks for my dad.
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Mi mamá cocina para mi papá.
I have your TV.
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Tengo tu televisión.
Our kitchen is small.
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Nuestra cocina es pequeña.
A red tomato.
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Un tomate rojo.
Do you have a sponge?
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¿Tienes una esponja?
It is my desk.
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Es mi escritorio.
I have money in my desk.
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Yo tengo dinero en mi escritorio.
It is your (formal) desk.
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Es su escritorio.
I have a yellow sponge.
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Tengo una esponja amarilla.
Do you (formal pl) have a sponge?
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¿Ustedes tienen una esponja?
I read in the basement.
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Yo leo en el sótano.
They have a ladder.
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Ellos tienen una escalera.
I eat in my bedroom.
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Yo como en mi dormitorio.
The roof is blue.
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El techo es azul.
The ladder is red.
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La escalera es roja.
I sleep in the basement.
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Yo duermo en el sótano.
The walls are red.
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Las paredes son rojas.
Clean (formal) your room.
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Limpa tu habitación.
The refrigerator is mine.
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El refrigerador es mío.
She has a washing machine.
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Ella tiene una lavadora.
I do not have a dryer.
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Yo no tengo secadora.
He cleans the oven.
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Él limpia el horno.
I do not have a washing machine.
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Yo no tengo lavadora.
Does the room have a bathroom?
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¿La habitación tiene un baño?
I do not have soap.
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Yo no tengo jabón.
My bed sheets are grey.
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Mis sábanas son grises.
The women have umbrellas.
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Las mujeres tienen paraguas.
My razor is green.
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Mi rasuradora es verde.
She has a wallet.
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Ella tiene una cartera.
The sheet is white.
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La sábana es blanca.
Soap, please.
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Jabón, por favor.
I have my wallet.
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Tengo mi cartera.
I need soap.
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Necesito jabón.
Do you have a razor?
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¿Tienes una rasuradora?
I need a razor.
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Necesito una rasuradora.
The bed sheets are yellow.
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Las sábanas son amarillas.
Her chair.
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Su silla.
Do you sleep in the bed?
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¿Duermes en la cama?
In the kitchen.
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En la cocina.
How many glasses?
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¿Cuántos vasos?
The table is big.
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La mesa es grande.
He is the King's secretary.
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Él es el secretario del rey.
We are teachers (F).
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Nosotras somos maestras.
You are a teacher.
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Tú eres una maestra.
The students eat bread.
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Las estudiantes comen pan.
Are your parents doctors?
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¿Tus padres son doctores?
You have a secretary.
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Tienes una secretaria.
They are not my bosses.
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Ellos no son mis jefes.
The professors (F) read.
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Las profesoras leen.

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