English English Dictionary

English - English

to annoy someone in English:

1. grate grate

I grated some apples for the baby.
I like to sprinkle my spaghetti with grated parmesan cheese and drizzle with olive oil.
to obtain plenty of small pieces of something by rubbing it against a special device called grater;
grated cheese.
Bob grated some cheese on his spaghetti.
Tom grates cheese for his favourite pizza
We grated all the cheese.
Did you grate the cheese?
to cut into very small pieces by rubbing it against a special tool caled grater
grated cheese/carrot
Pasta tastes better when you grate some cheese on it

English word "to annoy someone"(grate) occurs in sets:

Mia Wasikowska is the new Alice (Lesson 17)
Mia Wasikowska is the New Alice (17)

2. bug bug

The wicked witch cast a spell on the man and turned him into a bug.
Probably there is a bug on APAL webpage, but this shouldn’t have any negative impact on algorithm and in general on solution.
I dunno if it's a bug or what, but this software doesn't work right.
We still don't know if it really is a bug.
The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.
Stop bugging me!
That really ended up setting the stage for everything, and that really gave me the bug for going to events and connecting in person with all these people that are sort of doing their thing online.
The boy bugs me the hell out of me, I can't help Lisa with her homework.
Oh, while I remember, it seems that that was a bug that occurs when you use the comment field's 'letter-spacing' tag which adjusts the tracking.
A bug is a collective word used for insects in general, or for a virus, such as an influenza bug, or for a small hidden microphone (in an embassy for example.)
What bugs me most is too less legroom during the flight.
I hope it doesn't bug you.
Finding and fixing bugs, or "debugging", has always been a major part of computer programming.
I've got this bug about collecting books.
There was a bug in my Address Book and many addresses including yours were deleted.

English word "to annoy someone"(bug) occurs in sets:

new opportunities - intermediate

3. get somebody's goat

4. hassle

It's a hassle trying to decide what to wear to the party.
It's just a hassle with this dog.
And, yeah, there's a bit of hassle at the border bringing it in, but I think you said really not too bad.
Stop hassle her!
Did Bryce hassle you again?
My boss has been giving me a lot of hassle this week.
Don't hassle me. I had a hard day.
I don’t feel like cooking tonight, it’s too much hassle.
People began to hassle the poor doorman because he was not letting people enter the building
Buy online and forget about the hassle of crowded stores.
It's such a hassle not having a washing machine. No hassle at all!
Finding a decent place to have lunch in this neighborhood is always a hassle.
cooperation with AM is real hassle
We don't want to hassle with all that waiting in line.
It may seem like a hassle, but I think you ought to go back to the basics and start over. Haste makes waste they say.

5. to ruffle sb's feathers

English word "to annoy someone"(to ruffle sb's feathers) occurs in sets:

Idioms shorttest

6. get up someone's nose

7. rattle sb's cage

8. to get up sb's nose