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kamilmat4 kamilmat4

I started using VocApp 1112 days ago. I have 28 study days, and my study streak is 0 days. I am the author of 26 lessons. The date of my last visit is 2023-01-27 13:21:24.

My interests


Flashcards created by me

Leonardo da Vinci
Michał Anioł Bounarotti
El Greco
Albert Durer Renesans
Szkoła Fontainebleau Manieryzm
Hans Holbein Renesans
Architektura XVI w
Malarstwo Weneckie XVI w
Caravaggio Barok
Bernini barok
Diego Velazquez Barok
Rubens XVII w
Rembrandt XVII w
Martwe natury holandia
Camille Corot
Gustaw Courber realizm
Jean Francois Millet realizm
Ivan Szyszkin realizm
Isaak Lewitan
Malarstwo rosyjskie
Eduard Manet
Claude Monet

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