At a Conference - Op enger Konferenz

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Did you go to last year's conference?
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Sidd Dir lescht Joer op d'Konferenz gaangen?
Did you enjoy the talk?
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Huet Iech de Virtrag gefall?
I was wondering if you could suggest the best conference hall?
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Ech froe mech op Dir mir de beschte Konferenz Sall kéint virschloen.
Have you been to this conference before?
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Waart Dir scho virdrun op dëser Konferenz?
Have you done much sightseeing while you are here?
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Konnt Dir villes besiche wärend Ärem Openthalt hei?
Do you mind if I interrupt? | No, I don't. Go ahead.
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Stéiert et Iech wann ech Iech ënnerbriechen? | Nee. Maacht roueg.
I'd like to talk with you about our new strategy.
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Ech wéilt gär mat Iech iwwer eis nei Strategie schwätzen.
+28 flashcards
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"Small Talk in Luxembourgish"
(total 799 flashcards)

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