Article #47 Bugs

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Many people are afraid of bugs.
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Muitas pessoas têm medo de insetos.
Some bugs do bad things like eating crops or clothes.
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Alguns insetos fazem coisas ruins, como comer colheitas ou roupas.
Some bugs, such as termites, even eat wood.
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Alguns insetos, como cupins, até comem madeira.
Other bugs can be good.
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Outros erros podem ser bons.
Spiders catch flies.
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Aranhas pegam moscas.
Flies are not good because they carry germs.
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As moscas não são boas porque carregam germes.
Insects get caught in the web that the spider builds.
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Os insetos ficam presos na teia que a aranha constrói.
Ants get into homes and eat food.
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As formigas entram em casa e comem comida.
Bees are good because honey comes from bees.
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As abelhas são boas porque o mel vem das abelhas.
It is not good if you get stung by a bee.
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Não é bom se você for picado por uma abelha.
A caterpillar turns into a butterfly.
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Uma lagarta se transforma em uma borboleta.
Butterflies can be very beautiful.
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As borboletas podem ser muito bonitas.
You can find grasshoppers outside on a sunny day.
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Você pode encontrar gafanhotos do lado de fora em um dia ensolarado.
Grasshoppers hop through the grass.
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Gafanhotos pulam pela grama.
Crickets make a noise by rubbing their legs together.
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Os grilos fazem barulho esfregando as pernas.
Dragonflies usually live near water.
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Libélulas geralmente vivem perto da água.
They have large, colorful wings.
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Eles têm asas grandes e coloridas.
Ladybugs are red with little black dots.
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Joaninhas são vermelhas com pequenos pontos pretos.
There are many types of beetles.
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Existem muitos tipos de besouros.
Nobody wants to have cockroaches in their house.
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Ninguém quer ter baratas em casa.
Centipedes have many legs.
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Centopéias têm muitas pernas.
Fleas get onto your pets and bite them.
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As pulgas entram em seus animais de estimação e as mordem.
They make your dog or cat itchy.
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Eles fazem seu cão ou gato coçar.
Mosquitoes can make you itchy when they bite you.
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Os mosquitos podem causar coceira quando o mordem.
Have you ever had a mosquito bite?
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Você já teve uma picada de mosquito?

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