Article #17 Thanksgiving

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We are having Thanksgiving at our house.
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Estamos tendo Ação de Graças em nossa casa.
My whole family is coming.
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Toda a minha família está chegando.
My parents (bought) a turkey.
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Meus pais (compraram) um peru.
It weighs 30 pounds.
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Pesa 30 libras.
It takes a long time to cook.
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Demora muito tempo para cozinhar.
My Mom wakes up early to cook the turkey.
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Minha mãe acorda cedo para cozinhar o peru.
I clean the house with my Dad.
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Eu limpo a casa com meu pai.
The house smells good.
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A casa cheira bem.
We help Mom in the kitchen.
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Ajudamos mamãe na cozinha.
I peel potatoes and carrots.
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Descasco batatas e cenouras.
My Dad makes pumpkin pies.
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Meu pai faz tortas de abóbora.
My Mom cooks (squash).
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Minha mãe cozinha (abóbora).
I help my Mom make stuffing.
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Ajudo minha mãe a fazer recheio.
I mix the bread and spices.
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Eu misturo o pão e os temperos.
We make good stuffing.
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Fazemos um bom recheio.
It goes inside the turkey.
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Vai dentro do peru.
We put on nice clothes.
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Vestimos roupas bonitas.
I set the table.
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Eu arrumei a mesa.
My Dad (carves) the turkey.
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Meu pai (esculpe) o peru.
My Mom makes the (gravy/ sauce/ dressing).
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Minha mãe faz o (molho).
Our relatives arrive.
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Nossos parentes chegam.
We say, "thank you" for all we have.
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Dizemos "obrigado" por tudo o que temos.
We eat and eat.
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Nós comemos e comemos.
It is a good thanksgiving.
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É um bom dia de ação de graças.

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