angielski slowka

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Question Answer
mozliwe jest ze...
start learning
chances are...
być parą
start learning
to be an item
start learning
i guess
szczerze mowiac
start learning
to be honest
jak ci sie uklada z?
start learning
How's it going with?
zdradzic kogos
start learning
cheat on somebody
kochac kogos
start learning
be in love with somebody
zakochac sie w kims
start learning
Fall in love with somebody
wrocic do kogos
start learning
get back to somebody
wziasc rozwod
start learning
get divorced from somebody
dobrze zyc z kims
start learning
get on well with somebody
wyjsc z kims
start learning
go out with someone
rozstać się z kimś
start learning
split out with someone
zaręczyć się z kimś
start learning
get engaged to someone
iść na randkę z kimś
start learning
go on date with someone
być w kimś zakochanym
start learning
have a crush on someone

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