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start learning
za 3 dni
start learning
in 3 days
w przyszłym tygodniu
start learning
next week
jutro o tej samej porze
start learning
this time tomorrow
jutro rano
start learning
tomorrow morning
start learning
the day after tomorrow
dziś po szkole
start learning
after school today
po skończeniu szkoły
start learning
when you leave school
za 10 lat
start learning
in 10 years
w lato
start learning
in the summer
w Następny weekend
start learning
next weekend
w niedzielę rano
start learning
on Sunday morning
w Wielkanoc
start learning
at Easter
w Boże Narodzenie
start learning
at Christmas
w weekend
start learning
at the weekend
w długi weekend
start learning
during the long weekend

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