Agata 3rd Aug (45 min)

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to feed - fed - fed
to bottle feed
to breastfeed
Musiałam obudzić Franka.
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I had to wake Franek up.
cysta / torbiel
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a cyst
wywołać coś
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to trigger sth
kobiety w ciąży
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pregnant women.
centrum handlowe
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a shopping centre / mall
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a trunk
Wrzuć to do mojej torebki.
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Pop it in my purse.
On pospał dłużej.
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He slept in.
pozbyć się czegoś
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to get rid of sth
This painkiller helped me get rid of the pain.
Myślę, że powinnaś pozbyć się tego starego samochodu.
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I think you should get rid of this old car.
badanie krwi
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a blood test
Powinnam zdąrzyć.
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I should make it.
Przepraszam, ale nie dam dzisiaj rady.
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I'm sorry but I won't make it today.
bezdomni ludzie
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homeless people
bezdomni (rzeczownik)/ bezdomni ludzie
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the homeless / homeless people
bogaci (ludzie)
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the rich
biedni (ludzie)
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the poor
Dałam mu ciekawą książkę.
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I gave an interesting book to him. / I gave him an interesting book.
Nic nie zrobiłam.
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I didn't do anything. / I did nothing.
Nie zrobiłam nic złego.
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I didn't do anything wrong.
Nic nie zapłaciłam.
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I didn't pay anything.
Śmiało. / Proszę.
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Go ahead.
proszę (przy podawaniu czegoś)
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here you go / here you are

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