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Sprinkle chocolate on top of the cake. She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries.
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to shake small pieces of something or drops of a liquid on something
a sprinkling of snow
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a small amount of a (snow) substance that is dropped somewhere, or a number of things or people that are spread or included somewhere
He slept well, unaware of the thunderstorms which filled the night.
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a storm with thunder and lightning and usually very heavy rain
the smell of rotten vegetables; The fruit is starting to go rotten.
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(of food, wood, etc.) that has decayed and cannot be eaten or used
rusty metal; a rusty old car
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covered with rust
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ull of holes made by worms or woodworms
a wormy apple
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containing worms
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a deep narrow valley with steep sides; synonym canyon
Massive rock formations, mountains and deep canyons present splendid views of nature’s work.
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a deep valley with steep sides of rock; synonym gorge
Have you had your hepatitis B vaccination?
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a serious disease of the liver. There are three main forms: hepatitis A, the least serious, caused by infected food (= containing harmful bacteria), and hepatitis B and hepatitis C, both very serious and caused by infected blood.
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intended to last for only a short time until somebody/something more permanent is found
a murder inquiry; inquiry into something a public inquiry into the environmental effects of the propose
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an official process to find out the cause of something or to find out information about something
to endure
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to experience and deal with something that is painful or unpleasant without giving up
a tireless campaigner for human rights; She was tireless in her efforts on our behalf.
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putting a lot of hard work and energy into something over a long period of time; synonym indefatigable
to burst its banks
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to go or move somewhere suddenly with great force (river); to come from somewhere suddenly
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located in the south or facing south; connected with or typical of the south part of the world or a region
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connected with the power that some people are believed to have to be able to see future events or to communicate with people who are dead or far away
a rite of
funeral rites
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a ceremony performed by a particular group of people, often for religious purposes
to bolster
(bolster something) to bolster somebody’s confidence/courage/morale
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to improve something or make it stronger
She trotted out the old cliché that ‘a trouble shared is a trouble halved.
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a phrase or an idea that has been used so often that it no longer has much meaning and is not interesting
top talking in riddles (= saying things that are confusing)—say what you mean.
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question that is difficult to understand, and that has a surprising answer, that you ask somebody as a game
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an argument between two people, groups or countries; discussion about a subject on which people disagree
dig one's heels in
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to refuse to change your plans or ideas, especially when someone is trying to persuade you to do so
cast your mind back
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somebody want you to think about something that happened in the past, but which you might not remember very well, and to try to remember as much as possible.
to incarnate
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in human form; to give a concrete or actual form to: actualize
apportion blame to sb
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ay the blame for something on somebody; blame somebody for something
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a meal to which each guest brings some food, which is then shared out among the guests

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